The key to a truly effective customer journey mapping workshop lies in your choice of participants. Invite your frontline staff—those who are in the trenches of customer interactions. They bring insights that are nothing short of invaluable.
But don’t stop there; include some actual customers from your target groups for an authentic perspective you won’t get elsewhere. To round it all off, aim for a diverse mix by inviting team members from different departments, ensuring a well-rounded view of the customer experience.
Workshop AT A GLANCE:
- Duration: Roughly 4 hours, although this may vary depending on group size and journey scope
- Materials: Customer persona templates, customer personas, pens, masking tape, and customer research data
- Energy Level: Moderate
- Facilitator: At least one
- Participants: 5-15 individuals familiar with your target customer groups
- Outcome: Preliminary drafts of customer journey maps
Guided Steps To A Successful Customer Journey Mapping Workshop
1. Pre-Workshop Planning
a. Planning
- Choose a customer persona that represents your target group.
- Clearly define whether you’re mapping the current or future customer experience, and at what level of detail.
b. Organisation
- Decide on your participant list and send out invites.
- Share the goal of the workshop and what you hope to achieve.
- Set up the venue to be comfortable and welcoming. Prepare your workshop materials.
- Sketch out an agenda for the day for smooth execution.
2. During The Workshop
a. Kick-Off And Form Groups
- Kick off the session by outlining the agenda and initiating introductions.
- Divide participants into smaller groups of 3-5 for concentrated discussions.
- Explain the workshop’s purpose and provide a quick primer on customer journey mapping.
b. Persona Introduction
- Present your chosen customer persona to the group, encouraging deeper thought about this demographic.
- You could also allow participants to contribute their own customer personas if they wish.
c. Draft Customer Journey Maps
- Use a customer journey map template with pre-defined stages, or let the teams draft stages they deem relevant.
- Populate these stages with the persona’s story in the customer journey map.
d. Refine And Iterate
- Review your first draft collectively, checking for missed steps or areas needing elaboration.
- Inject additional perspectives by considering various “what if” scenarios.
e. Sharing And Synthesis
- Have groups display their journeys on the wall and present them with the larger audience.
- Discuss and merge similar maps, while taking note of any differing opinions and insights for future reference.
3. Post-Workshop Follow Up
- Review the workshop, noting down key insights.
- Organise the data and highlight important points.
- To summarise the output, convert the workshop’s findings into easily digestible formats and share with the participants and stakeholders.
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