Customer journey maps come in various formats, each tailored to different objectives. In this article, we’ll zero in on constructing a ‘current-state’ customer journey map. In this article, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to build your customer journey map that focuses on analysing and enhancing your existing customer experience.
The Key Components of A Customer Journey Map
Firstly, understanding the main components of a customer journey map is crucial. Here’s what you need to know:
Customer Persona. Creating customer personas is a pivotal step, as it allows you to customise the journey to meet the needs of your most valued customers. To do this, craft detailed, semi-fictional profiles of your ideal customers using real data and market research. This ensures your map is not merely hypothetical, but rooted in real-world applicability.
For the purpose of customer journey mapping, be sure to include the needs of the customers, their goals and what they struggle with most.
Journey stages. These stages represent the sequential phases a customer goes through, from awareness to advocacy. Breaking down the journey allows for a more organised examination of each customer experience stage. Therefore, you can more easily spot areas ripe for improvement.
Touchpoints. These are specific interactions customers have with your brand. For instance, websites, customer service, and social media are common touchpoints. By pinpointing these, you gain valuable insights into areas that may need enhancement.
Customer Activities. Understanding customer activities is vital for knowing what actions or tasks customers are performing at each stage. This helps in identifying what might be aiding or hindering them.
Pain Points and Opportunities. Pain points highlight challenges that customers face. On the flip side, opportunities are areas ripe for improvement. Including both in your map enables you to develop strategies for a smoother and more enjoyable customer experience.
Steps To Creating A Customer Journey Map
Next, let’s delve into the process, using a restaurant example.
1. Determine the Objective
First, define your goals, whether it’s improving overall experience or specific touchpoints. For example, our objective might be to enhance the experience at a fictional restaurant, Urban Eats Bistro, a contemporary American restaurant located in downtown city centre.
2. Collect Customer Feedback
Real customer feedback lends authenticity to your map. Gather this through surveys, reviews, and direct interactions to make your map as realistic as possible.
3. Map Journey Stages
Start by identifying and listing down all customer activities and touchpoints in each stage of their journey. Depending on the products and services offered, the stages of the journey can vary. The stages generally include Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention, and Advocacy. In this example of Urban Eats Bistro, we will use Discovery, Booking, On-Site Experience, Payment & Departure and Loyalty & Advocacy.
Then, list customer activities and touchpoints for each journey stage. Here’s an example:
4. Integrate Findings Into Your Map
Organise the collected data (customer activities, pain points, etc) in a clear, systematic manner. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared to develop actionable plans.
5. Analyse and Develop Insights for Improvement
Pinpoint key pain points and ‘moments of truth’ that significantly impact customer perception. ‘Moments of truths’ are key interactions or ‘moments of truth’ that significantly impact the customer’s perception of the overall experience.
Brainstorm solutions and opportunities for these areas to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
In Summary…
Crafting a step-by-step guide to build your customer journey map is a thorough yet rewarding process. It equips you with invaluable insights into customer interactions and expectations. With a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the customer journey, you’re now ready to move from insights to action.
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