Ideas & Insights For Better Customer Experience

For A Great Service Blueprint, Start With Your Customer Journey Map
IDEO describes Service Design as a craft of bringing together human, digital, and physical interactions to create a truly differentiated experience for customers. How is this achieved? Through the use of a service blueprint that pulls together the business’ processes, systems and tools, all centred around its customers. This ensures that every interaction at each touchpoint –…
How To Prioritise Your Ideas Using A Priority Matrix (With Template)
After a lively brainstorming session, teams often end up with loads of exciting ideas. Now, the big question is: which ideas should we jump on right away, and which ones should we park for a bit? This is where the Priority Matrix comes in, helping us make those decisions a bit easier. The Priority Matrix…
Tackling Shopping Cart Abandonment: A Customer Experience Perspective
Shopping cart abandonment happens when a potential customer occurs when a potential customer starts the checkout process for an online order but exits before finalising the purchase. Oberlo estimates that about 71.27% of all online shopping carts and baskets are abandoned without completing the process. More often than not, the reasons for abandoning carts point towards a hiccup…
How To Create A Customer Persona (With Template)
Customer personas give you a snapshot of your real, ideal customers. We shared about how they are vital to a business’ customer experience and marketing strategy in our piece, “What Are Customer Personas? (+Why You’d Need One)”. Now, we’re sharing a nifty tool – The Customer Persona Canvas. It’s a simple, no-fuss template to help…
Six Applications Of Design Thinking For Better Customer Experience
Design Thinking is rooted in empathy and iterative learning, which are essential for businesses to truly understand their customers’ viewpoints. The method guide its users towards making not just small improvements to their existing product or service, but also fundamentally changing how they interact with their users, in this case, their customers. As a design…
CX Technology Trends To Embrace In 2024
In the past few years, we have witnessed the maturation and widespread adoption of emerging technologies, not only in businesses but also in our everyday lives. This trend to a shift in consumers’ needs and expectations regarding how they prefer to interact with brands. With this rapid disruption, businesses should proactively embrace and integrate these…
Easy To Use Customer Journey Map Templates (With Examples)
Customer journey maps are a visual representation of the customer’s interaction with your brand from start to finish. These maps serve as a tool to pinpoint areas for improvement at each customer touchpoint, while also assisting teams in the search for effective solutions. In ‘An Easy Guide To Creating Your Customer Journey Map‘, we explained…
The Essential Building Blocks Of A Successful CX Strategy
CX stands as a pivotal element for success in today’s marketplace, yet it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves until a problem surfaces, such as a customer complaint. Teams typically find themselves in reactive mode, addressing issues on the fly rather than preemptively. This reactive approach is a stark contrast to the structured and…
Why GenAI Is The CX Star Of The Year
Taylor Swift may be TIME Person of the Year. But the true luminary of CX in 2023 is, undoubtedly, GenAI. ChatGPT, introduced as an early version of the GPT-3 framework, was initially launched in late 2022. While many lauded it as AI’s ‘iPhone Moment’, others have likened it to the creation of the internet itself.…