Customer Journey
What Are Customer Personas? (+Why You’d Need One)
Customer personas, sometimes known as buyer personas, are a semi-fictional character that represents your ideal customer. Think of it as your ideal customer’s avatar. It’s not a real individual, but rather a blend of characteristics, needs, motivations, and behavioural patterns of your target audience. By crafting a detailed customer persona, businesses can visualise their customers.…
What You Need To Know To Run A Customer Persona Co-Creation Workshop
It’s essential to get a clear picture of your customers, and who better to help in a customer persona co-creation workshop than those who interact with them daily? A diverse mix of participants from different departments can offer a broad view. Bringing prior knowledge or research on your target groups to the table is a…
5 Common Mistakes In Customer Journey Mapping (+How To Avoid Them)
Customer journey mapping plays a pivotal role in sculpting remarkable customer experiences. This process visualises the path your customers follow, from their initial contact with your business right up to forming a long-term relationship. However, even small customer journey mapping mistakes can lead to a significant negative impact, causing a misalignment between customer expectations and…
An Easy Guide To Creating Your Customer Journey Map
Customer journey maps come in various formats, each tailored to different objectives. In this article, we’ll zero in on constructing a ‘current-state’ customer journey map. In this article, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to build your customer journey map that focuses on analysing and enhancing your existing customer experience. The Key Components of A Customer…
Card Activation Dilemma: How Banks Can Harmonise Security with Customer Ease
A bank in Asia offers customers two primary routes for credit card activation: either via SMS or through its mobile app. While these methods work, they raise essential questions about security and privacy. In the modern era, where digital transactions are indispensable, safeguarding customer data is equally critical as the services or products offered. Therefore,…