An Ideas and Task Prioritisation Workshop aligns teams, clarifies objectives, and sets a clear roadmap for execution. Here, we’ll walk through the essentials of conducting a workshop that not only streamlines your workflow but also maximises productivity and strategic focus.
Workshop AT A GLANCE:
- Duration: About 1 hour, depending on the number of ideas or tasks
- Materials: In a physical setting, you’ll need paper or sticky notes for capturing ideas/tasks. A wall or floor space is also essential for displaying the matrix.
- Energy Level: Moderate
- Facilitator: 1
- Participants: Maximum of 20.
- Outcome: A visually arranged priority matrix of ideas or tasks
Guided Steps To A Successful Prioritisation Workshop
1. Pre-Workshop Preparations
a. Criteria Planning
- First, establish your criteria for prioritisation. Consider variables like ‘Impact on Customer Experience’ vs ‘Feasibility,’ or perhaps other metrics such as ‘Time to Market,’ ‘Brand Alignment,’ or ‘Employee Satisfaction.’ For example, using a priority matrix with the variables, “Impact of CX” vs “Effort”.
b. Organisation
- Decide on your participant list and send out invites.
- Share the goal of the workshop and what you hope to achieve.
- Set up the venue to be comfortable and welcoming.
- Mark your graph on a visible surface, ensuring that axes are clearly labelled.
- Develop an agenda to guide the workshop’s flow.
2. During The Prioritisation Workshop
a. Kick-off And Form Groups
- Begin by summarising the agenda and facilitating introductions among participants.
- Reinforce the purpose of the workshop and go over the tasks or ideas that need prioritising.
b. Rank Ideas
- Evaluate each idea individually, allowing the group to discuss and score it based on the chosen criteria, from 0 to 10 for each variable.
- Encourage participants to place each scored idea onto the matrix.
- Continue this process until all ideas have been scored and placed.
It’s important to note that high-impact, high-feasibility ideas often provide quick wins. However, ideas with long-term benefits but lower feasibility should also be considered.
3. Post-Workshop
a. Follow Up
- Review the outcomes, capturing any significant insights.
- Summarise the workshop’s findings in a format that is accessible and shareable with both participants and stakeholders.
- The next steps involve a more in-depth feasibility study and business casing to transition into the implementation phase.
This structured approach offers a balanced blend of interactivity and rigour, making your workshop both effective and engaging.